Data Governance

Demystifying Data Governance: The Right People for the Job

In our four-part series, we explain the different components necessary to carry out an effective data governance policy and how dbSeer can help further level up your business. This blog post is the third in the series and explores who on your team you need to effectively carry out a data governance strategy. The first part of the series and second part of the series can be found here and here.

Your organization deals with data at every single moment of the day in order to appropriately respond to your industry needs. It’s also coming to you at increasing speeds, with more data available than ever before. 

And yet, in a 2022 poll where organizational insights on data governance were surveyed, only 11% of the respondents had a strong governance structure in place. The importance of an effective data governance strategy should not be underestimated to ensure safe and accessible data.

In order to establish proper data governance, dbSeer has identified three components to implementing a proper data governance strategy: process, people, and policy. The three components working seamlessly alongside the technology is what comprises an effective data governance strategy. While previous blog posts were centered around defining data governance and understanding the process behind it, this piece will focus on establishing an effective team for your data governance needs. The people are an integral key to successfully establishing a data governance strategy.

Build Your Super Team

Technology is nothing without the individual understanding how to power it. Leveraging your data won’t happen if your team doesn’t know the potential of it. This starts with defining your data objectives, and clearly communicating this to the wider team. Digital literacy is a key component to a successful, modern business: this should generally be applied on a macro-level for your company.

On a more micro-level, implementing effective data governance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should start with appointing a data champion. This person is akin to a Chief Data Officer in larger organizations. This person is tasked with setting a vision for your company and ensuring your data governance strategically aligns with your business objectives.

Specific individuals should be assigned with data ownership. These individuals will be responsible for data accuracy, accessibility, safety and quality. These are your data stewards, and the individuals who manage and maintain your data, and are assigned specific data sets. They are your subject matter experts on data, and build your strategic plan for data. These individuals should actively be working with IT professionals in the company, and ensuring that data is being effectively used in line with company goals. They are the liaison between the IT and business world, and your one stop shop to understand how best to use your data for your company. It is imperative therefore that data stewards have a strong background in data science and engineering skills. But equally important is a strong understanding of how data is used in business as well as effective communication skills. A combination of these various backgrounds is how best to successfully implement data optimization in your company.

If you have multiple departments within your company dealing with data, it may be useful to put in place a data governance committee that will also help streamline your data governance process. This will ensure clear communication is in place.

Implement the Environment

Now that you’ve established your data stewards, data champion and data governance committees: the work doesn’t stop there. Regular training, and continuous improvement is required in order to stay up to date on best practices with data and a changing digital landscape. This is also critical to ensure your data team is adequately meeting business objectives.

It may be useful to implement “Training Fridays”, in addition to ensuring that time and a proper budget is set aside for your team to remain up to date on these practices. Companies that implement upskilling and reskilling opportunities are reported to have a 24% higher profit margin, and yet over 50% of employees report zero formal workplace training.

Finally, it may also be useful to bring in external consultants to help your team discuss your data governance needs. This is another facet to the “super team” you are aspiring to build around data. dbSeer welcomes the opportunity to be an additional team member, and is here for your data needs. Reach out now!

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