The Customer
2Markets has delivered Telecom Lifecycle Management (TLM) services to large enterprise clients since 2003. 2Markets provides both managed services and consulting services, working with their customer’s existing TLM implementation. The 2Markets team implements changes that allow their customers to analyze, control, and therefore reduce their telecom spending.
The Opportunity
2Markets had four requirements going into the project: easy scalability, increased storage capacity, improved security, and managed services provision.
To begin, 2Markets wanted the ability to easily scale their compute up and down based on demand. 2Markets requires monthly and quarterly analyses of its customer’s data to prepare audit and cost optimization reports. This process often requires working with a large volume of data, which in turn requires heavy compute and high storage capacity from the server. Once the analysis is complete and the data resides on SQL Server, the compute is no longer needed, which results in unused capacity. 2Markets also wanted to store this large volume of data at a low cost. As with any project, they wanted their data and their customer’s data to be as secure as possible. Finally, they wanted a subjectmatter expert to manage this process.
The Solutions
dbSeer helped 2Markets find the perfect solution: migrating their Microsoft SQL Server environment the AWS Cloud to take advantage of cloud elasticity. This elasticity allowed them to scale their compute resources up and down with demand. As a result, 2Markets now has continuous rightsizing in the AWS cloud platform, so they no longer require capacity planning as they had in their on-prem environment. With the AWS pay-as-you-go model, 2Markets only pays for the compute, network, and storage resources that it uses.
Amazon S3 was used as a data-lake to host a large volume of data permanently. Only the data set that is needed for the analysis is loaded into the database, which allows 2Markets to store far more customer data in its platform without having to pay for expensive storage. In addition, keeping this data on Amazon S3 provided 2Markets with unlimited scalability, 99.999999999% durability, as well as appropriate redundancy.
An added benefit of the AWS cloud is its top-of-the-line security. dbSeer used encryption for all the data at rest and used Amazon’s VPC to extend 2Markets’ private network in the cloud. Amazon VPC is a private network with no public internet access.
As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, dbSeer also provides 2Markets with managed services. Essentially, dbSeer operates AWS on 2Markets’ behalf, providing a secure and compliant environment, cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management and monitoring.
The Results
From start to finish, dbSeer migrated 2Markets to AWS in less than one month. 2Markets reduced their compute and storage costs by 60%. Not to mention, their processes now run two times faster than before.