Keep Data Safe and Secure and why its important

How to Keep Data Safe and Secure: A dbSeer Duty

Data in today’s world is your most important asset. So, why wouldn’t you take the extra steps to keep your data safe and secure?

For some, this might not seem like a priority, but in fact, this is something organizations should be thinking about from the very beginning.

At dbSeer, we know this, and keeping data safe and secure is of utmost importance. We approach all of our clients with a game plan that ensures they remain protected from any potential threats, certifying their organization remains protected at every level.

Why Secure Data Matters

Why? Because at dbSeer we know that modern business requires secure access and that data is the lifeblood of your work. Therefore, not having your data protected could be incredibly costly to your organization.

According to IBM’s 2023 Cost of Data Breach Report, the average impact of a data breach on organizations with less than 500 employees was $3.31 million.

Another statistic stated that nearly 40% of small businesses reporting a data breach lost crucial data as a result. Security breaches like these create major disruptions in workflow, employee productivity and overall monetary gain for your business. 

Steps to Ensure Data Protection

Understanding that security is critical is one thing, but how do you actually ensure that your data remains protected?

Data storage encryption is a critical element to ensure that your data remains protected throughout its life cycle; ensuring that transferring data from point-A-to-point-B securely is paramount; and then finally, sensitive data must be discarded properly in order to avoid getting it in the wrong hands. And yet, over 60% of companies lack the confidence in their current security due to poor visibility over their situation.

Take the guesswork out of the process and trust dbSeer in helping you figure out how to securely manage your data at every point.  

How to Keep Data Safe and Secure with dbSeer and AWS Security Hub

At dbSeer we work with our partner AWS, and use their Security Hub to ensure your data remains safe. The hub provides a comprehensive view of your high-priority security alerts and compliance status across all your accounts. It provides compliance standards aligned with industry and regulatory frameworks. This includes CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark and the National Industry for Standards and Technology, among others. When you enable the Security Hub, a compliance rating is offered based on how well your systems compare to these pre-set controls. Your organization will also be offered tailored insight into which controls are passing, failing or potentially in danger.

The Security Hub also provides centralized monitoring, ensuring you’re able to harness your data all in one place. The Hub continuously monitors for threats in real-time and offers customizable insights for your data based on your security parameters.

dbSeer is able to help guide you through this system and ensure the optimization of security measures for your data. This certifies that your data is organized, secure, and ready to use- making your organization reach next level success.

If you’re interested, reach out to dbSeer today to learn how to keep data safe and secure!
, reach out to dbSeer today!

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